The family line from Lodbrog to the Roman emperors

The family line from Regnar Lodbrog to the Roman emperors

Regnar Lodbrog // Ragnar Lothbrok

King Sigurd Ring Randversson
King Randver Radbartsson
Quen Auda Ívarsdóttir
King Ivar Vidfame Halfdansson
King Halfdan Haraldsson
King Harald Valdarsson
Hildis, Princess of the Vandals and Alans
Hilderic, King of the Vandals and Alans

There are Roman emperors in the family of Eudocia's father and mother.

First a list of her mother's family. Then a list of her father's family.

Her mother's side:

Empress Licina Eudoxia
Emperor Flavius Theodosius II
Emperor Flavius Arcadius
(Emperor Flavius Arcadius is the brother of Galla Placidia on her father's side)
Emperor Theodosius I / Theodosius the Great

Her father's side:
Emperor Valentinian III
Galla Placidia
(Galla Placidia is the sister of Emperor Flavius Arcadius on her mother's side)
Emperor Theodosius I / Theodosius the Great

The family line of Emperor Theodosius I / Theodosius the Great

Count Theodosius / Flavius Theodosius

Flavius Julius Honorius / Julius Orator